Chapter 5 Simulation
Additional example: Social wealth distribution
Suppose that:
- There are 100 people in a room.
- Everyone has $100 at the beginning.
- For each person, he/she will randomly give another person (in the room, can be him/herself) $1 per minute.
Several assumptions:
- Assume that we can generate a set of random integers from 1 to 100 in MATLAB.
- The distributed result for each person is independent.
- It is allowed that one may have debt.
Question: What is the long-term distribution of the wealth?
First, we simulate the problem in MATLAB.
% Social wealth distribution
p_money = Money_initial*ones(1,No_player);
To_give = ceil((No_player).*rand(1,No_player));
p_money(j) = p_money(j) - 1;
p_money(To_give(j)) = p_money(To_give(j)) +1;
% str_1 = ['Social wealth distribution after ', num2str(i), ' miniutes.'];
% ylabel('Personal wealth');
% axis([0 100 -200 200]);
% bar(sort(p_money),'r');
% str_2 = ['Social wealth distribution after ', num2str(i), ' miniutes. (Sorted)'];
% ylabel('Personal wealth');
% axis([0 100 -200 200]);
str_1 = ['Social wealth distribution after ', num2str(i), ' miniutes.'];
ylabel('Personal wealth');
axis([0 100 min(p_money)-10 max(p_money)+10]);
str_2 = ['Social wealth distribution after ', num2str(i), ' miniutes. (Sorted)'];
ylabel('Personal wealth');
axis([0 100 min(p_money)-10 max(p_money)+10]);
Next, we learn several things from the result of simulation:
- If one has more than $100 finally, refer him/her to be a rich person. The ratio of the rich can be calculated as follows.
Ratio_of_rich = (sum(p_money>100))/100
- The first 20% richest people have nearly 45% of total wealth.
p = sort(p_money,'descend');
twenty_richest = sum(p(1:20))/(10000)
- The first 10% richest people have nearly 25% of total wealth.
ten_richest = sum(p(1:10))/(10000)
- How does the wealth distribution change if one is not allowed to have debt? That is, one may not give people money if he/she has no money, but he/she can receive from others.
- Are the initial money and number of people crucial in this example?
- Is there an explanation of the result above from the point of view of sociology?
- Is there a theoretical formula for the social wealth distribution?